So many things to share and catch up on. So here we go.
August 22-12. This was the day I spent packing up the car and sending my son Matthew off to College. I tried very hard to prepare for this day but how can you? I tried every last trick in the book to squeeze in extra time before he left but when the day came to move him, it felt like there was not enough time. I am so proud of Matthew, as he has made the decision to become a missionary. Even though I know this career choice will only put more distance between us, I can not say he is wrong. He has decided to follow what the Lord has told each of us to do:
Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit. When we dedicate our children to the Lord when they are small infants we have no way of knowing where that child's path will go as they grow. When Matthew was dedicated and anointed with oil and my husband Bob and I prayed over this small baby that we would raise him to follow our Lord Jesus Christ. That we would show Christ love to him through our actions and teach him about Jesus. When we prayed Lord this is your child and we give him to you to do in him as you please. I could not have even imagined that this would be the direction the Lord would have one of my children follow. So, as I sit here even now,
crying I mean tearing up. I shed tears that sting of one child moving far from my home. Far enough that I can not see him at the ring of the phone. I also
cry tear up with a feeling of being proud. I am proud that Matthew has made this choice. Proud that he is only 18 and is willing to eventually (4 years from now) leave his country and serve the Lord where he does not speak the language, will have no family, and basically will not be welcomed by most people. All to fulfill his part in the Lords plan for his life. Yes, I am a proud ma ma. I love you Matthew.
Going away dinner with family and friends. Sweet Tomatoes.
Traveling to Sacramento. Traffic, Traffic, Traffic!
Sign in front of the school
New home in the dorm. Matthew 6 feet, ceiling is 8 feet, top of mattress 6 feet off the floor, hmmmm..... hope there is no sudden need to sit up in a hurry!
Love that boy! I know, let go mom people might be watching! Thanks for humoring me son.
And the apron string has been cut!
OK now lets move on to the next order of events..........
Some of you may know that my first round of immigration paperwork was put on hold at the end of July. The USCIS worker read my home study as to once I had Blossom (Annabelle) home I would be supporting 5 people. They concluded that I did not meet the income requirement and put my case on hold for 45 days. AUUGGGGGGG!!!!! They wanted an addendum made to the home study. When I tried to contact my SW, I found out she was on vacation and would not be back for a a week or so. ERRRRRRR!!!!!! When I did get a hold of her and I explained everything, I was asked to refill out paperwork explaining everything again. I tried to explain all of this in the first home study. Erica supports herself, Nathan lives out of the house and Matthew would be leaving to attend collage in the summer. So I would only be supporting myself, Jessica and Blossom (Annabelle) when I brought her home. But the home study states how everything was in the home at the time the study was done. I guess they were not allowed to project the future in the study? Finally, after 37 days my addendum was completed and I received it in the mail on Friday, August 31- 12 PTL!

I am so happy and put it in the mail Saturday, Sept 1 -12. Wouldn't you know it it was a three day weekend so the return information to USCIS would not reach them until Tuesday, Sept 4 - 12. Now I again sit and wait for my Golden Ticket. A letter saying "YES you may bring your daughter Blossom (Annabelle ) home." I can only pray that it will not take the standard two to three week wait. So I am left with a choice, to wait and see if I get approval then send in my dossier paperwork or go ahead and send in my dossier documents along with a lot of $$$$ in hopes that once I get approval my dossier paperwork will already be either sitting on my SW desk waiting or maybe even started and just waiting for that one little final piece of paper work. Think, Think, Think........... Choices, Choices, Choices........... so I decide I am sending everything off in the mail tomorrow in hopes that I will get a head start. Well, I have to tell you, I already know my SW at the adoption agency is on VACATION!!!! She wont be back until Sept 17. Believe it or not, during this whole process I have had my home study SW out on vacation twice and now the adoption agency SW out on vacation. LOL.

I can prove I have been born, married, lost a dear spouse, have two jobs, I want to adopt Blossom (Annabelle), have a guardian, I have the ability to support Blossom (Annabelle), been to the Doctor, that I am single, that my family has a life and we have pics to prove it!, I am not a criminal or ever have been, that my dogs have been vaccinated, my children are great students, more reference letters then I know what to do with, three of us want to go to China to bring Blossom (Annabelle) home, and I give consent for all of these documents to be translated. Whew! If this does not prove who I am and what I am seeking then nothing will. I have nothing left to show. So off it will go along with all of these...........
6 very important checks to get all of the above paperwork authenticated and translated for China!
As you know my sister in law Diane and her DH Keith, DS Nicolas and DD Lilly are in China adopting two more blessings. I introduced Kylie in an earlier post. I would like to introduce Bobby. He is 8 years old. What a handsome little boy. Here are some pictures of the kids.
Both of the children are adjusting to their new family. I love doing SKYPE. When Kylie hears the computer chiming that we are calling she will run to the computer. When she sees me and her new cousins she starts laughing and saying Hi aunt Pam, Hi Jessica, Hi Erica! She now knows us by our faces! Both children are writing their names in English. And both are beginning to speak English already! Man, I wish I was there with them picking up Blossom (Annabelle)! Yes, I am a little Jealous but trying hard not to be. I know it is not becoming but it is hard if you know what I mean. When you see this face and you desperately want to give it a kiss and hug her it is hard. Soon hopefully.
Enjoying the blossoms on the trees
Getting out and about with my friend
Now you are all caught up on the business around the Bean home. Please keep praying that this will move along at light speed. My hopes and prayers of bringing Blossom (Annabelle) home by her 7th birthday (Dec 20 ) or Christmas is quickly fading away. It is still not impossible but highly unlikely unless the Lord moves mountains to do so. In his time not mine. Trying hard to be patient and wait upon the Lord. Also prayer that my sister in law and her family will have safe travel back to the US on Saturday, Sept 15.
Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.